'Out of the cradle, endlessly rocking...'

Sunday, October 5, 2014

why is it so dark in here?

     So here I am, looking around the ER offices. Seems the electricity has been cut off, so I need a flashlight to see all the cobwebs and the dust, the scattered papers and loose ceiling tiles. Looks like a pipe burst over there on the far wall. That'll cost me. O well, here I am, back to work, after quite a while away doing God only knows what.
     Really, a lot has happened since last your humble narrator saw fit to come to the office. My life has taken many turns, some for the better, some for the worst, some whose consequences remain to be seen. I have left one job and taken another. I have taken steps to return to graduate school, after many long dull boring years of talking about it, although it's nothing like any of us imagined. (For one thing, I'm not studying theology in grad school, not yet anyway.) More momentous to no one in particular is the simple fact that I have resolved the Church Thing, by not resolving it. Not to put too fine a point on it, I remain the strange Luthodox humbug you've known and loved since 2004, and the wife and I will be attending a Luderan parish.
     To the last, I refuse to be anyone's convert.
     O, and I've taken to reading Robert Jenson once again. It feels like the time to do so. I suspect the disagreements will remain. I just feel the need for something bracing and brilliant.
     Speaking of bracing and brilliant, Maximus the Confessor has taken up residence at Chez Hall, and I am quite enjoying the new edition of his Ambigua. I remain a heretic in despite of Luther's dismissal of Denys the Areopagite, and really don't see what the problem is. Also on deck is Edmund Schlink and Herman Broch, the later if I recall being no friend to the Reformation. So sad - he has important things to say about art and the limits thereof, things I need to revisit. I'm also reading Eksteins and Fussell. As what I predict will be a cold, damp Autumn winds down, I should have a look at the new book by Richard Hays, along with a few other things. Suffice it to say, we'll have a few things to write about in the coming months. 

     For now, though, I need to have someone clean this place up. It's a mess. 
     Peace out.

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